Implementing Adaptive Phased Management 2024-28

At the NWMO, commitment to transparency is part of our culture. It is entrenched in everything we do.

This annual implementation plan is one way we demonstrate that commitment. This plan is a living document that evolves over time. Each year, we update our plan to reflect progress in our work, input from communities and the public, advances in science and technology, insight from Indigenous Knowledge, evolving societal values and changes in public policy.

This document describes the NWMO’s work implementing Canada’s plan for the safe, long-term management of used nuclear fuel. It also outlines next steps in developing plans for managing intermediate-level and non-fuel high-level radioactive waste, which became part of the NWMO’s mandate in 2023.

We continue to work with communities, including Indigenous Knowledge Holders, to ensure our work is guided by the responsibility to protect people and the environment, including water, for generations to come.

Your feedback is essential to the implementation of Canada’s plan. Every year, we ask Canadians and Indigenous peoples for their input on our implementation plan to inform and guide our work. We invite you to share your thoughts until June 7, 2024.

Other ways to provide feedback (you may indicate that you wish for your response to remain anonymous):

  • Email us at
  • Send us a letter (with your name and mailing address) to:

Lisa Frizzell
Vice-President of Communications, NWMO
RE: Implementation Plan 2024-28
22 St. Clair Avenue East, Fourth Floor
Toronto, ON M4T 2S3